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Macks On Tap
A charity Foundation in the making as guardians of the mana of people to uphold their rights to dignity and protection to be free from harassment, intimidation and discrimination in court especially, when self represented.
Macks On Tap has been founded to fulfill a need for people to have support in court- as well as to remind the judiciary “they are not above the law.” Intrigued by the work of Michelle Kidd- operating exclusively in Auckland District Court funded generously through the charity: “Her work at Auckland District Court has been funded through Te Rangimarie Charitable Trust”
WE BECAME CONCERNED WHEN HER “CHARITY” CONTINUES TO BE OPEN FOR DONATIONS DESPITE HER PUBLIC RETIREMENT AND BEGAN RESEARCHING HOW THIS COULD BE- ACCORDING TO THE CHARITY OFFICE “that charity has no intention of winding up. .. ” Next minute: There website is closed and instead they set up a “give a little page” for ongoing donations. #lovely
Although no mention of this on their facebook page:
This was the email we provided the
Likely explaining why they are delaying the approval of our charity- in some kind of bizzarre delay for the previous board to “dispose of” approximately $35,000 that SHOULD be allocated to helping advocate for victims of court abuse and those most vulnerable. AS “MACKS ON TAP” WILL GENUINELY DO.
“This response is concerning for several reasons [namely that I have accessed the online reporting of this charity which exclusively names the purpose of the charity to provide funds for Michelle Kidd- who has formally and publicly retired as of 4 December 2023.
I note the public declaration of “costs” exponentially grows to $116K last financial year [Likely also trustee allowances- which is what sparked this OIA request to see if the charities are in fact regulated to prevent from the appearance of embezzlement or malfeasance under the guise of “charity work” to give back- not take under false pretenses.
31/03/2023 | 30/09/2023 | 14/06/2023 | $123,284 | $116,923 | 0.48MB-pdf-2023_signed Accounts_-_Te_Rangimarie_Charitable_Trust | |
31/03/2022 | 30/09/2022 | 23/10/2022 | $52,420 | $85,659 | 0.56MB-pdf-TRCT Financials Mar 22 | |
31/03/2021 | 30/09/2021 | 16/09/2021 | $81,545 | $74,542 | 0.48MB-pdf-Signed Final Accounts March 2021 | |
31/03/2020 | 31/01/2021 | 20/01/2021 | $118,527 | $93,605 | 0.37MB-pdf-Annual Accounts YE31Mar2020 | |
31/03/2019 | 30/09/2019 | 7/11/2019 | $101,793 | $106,245 | 0.38MB-pdf-2019 Financials Final | |
31/03/2018 | 30/09/2018 | 30/10/2018 | $149,248 | $152,820 | 0.36MB-pdf-2018 Annual Report | |
31/03/2017 | 30/09/2017 | 18/10/2017 | $94,279 | $87,365 | 0.36MB-pdf-2017 Accounts | |
31/03/2016 | 30/09/2016 | 8/09/2016 | $104,775 | $88,966 | 0.34MB-pdf-Annual Accounts | |
31/03/2015 | 30/09/2015 | 1/12/2015 | $35,183 | $23,211 | 0.22MB |
As the charity purpose was very narrowly specified exclusively for the purpose of paying ONE individual “Michelle Kidd” who is now no longer performing her role- this charity must- “disappear into a puff of logic” – as Douglas Adams eloquently stated in the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Please confirm when this charity will be closed by the charity trust as the overseeing regulator and how the balance of funds [approximately $35,000] will be relocated to a charity of the same or similar purpose- logically “Macks on tap” with a vision to roll out this court support nation wide is a reasonable recipient.“
Tackling apparent discrimination and challenges with the Charity Foundation:
Unfortunately: Our efforts to provide a GENUINELY IMPARTIAL support service to assist self litigants for emotional and psychological support during the trauma of court proceedings- especially in court- we continue to be faced with obstructions- which other charities appear not to be faced with:
[email protected] 1 JULY 2024:
Despite the Trust being established with the intention to succeed Te Rangimarie Charitable Trust (TRCT), there is no record that TRCT has ceased its activities or intends to do so. According to your emails dated 22 and 23 January 2024, and your previous email, the Trust intends to obtain funds from TRCT taking over this role, stating that TRCT is not operating and that its trustees are involved in Macks On Tap (according to your application form). However, there is no documentary evidence to support this.
To proceed with your application, please provide the following information:
- Documentation showing the cessation or transfer of activities and resources from TRCT;
- Formal agreements on the transfer of funds or resources between TRCT and the Trust, if any;
- Please clarify if the Trust intends to carry out activities similar to those of TRCT or if it is assuming the role of TRCT.
- Please provide further details on the roles of Judge Philippa Cunningham, Samira Taghavi, Rob Willis, and Samantha Sinclair in the activities of the Trust, and how they are involved in the Trust’s activities, and;
- Any other document/information you consider relevant on this matter.
And So Our Quest To Assist Those In Need Continues
We will continue to provide the documents supplied countless times outlining the issues with Te Rangimarie Charitable Trust (TRCT) who have been heavily supported by the Charity Office and expect to continue to uncover more an more boards that Judges are members of and likely, collecting generous wages for. NOTE THIS CHARITY IS STILL REGISTERED:
If you are concerned about this apparent discrimination: MAKE A COMPLAINT referencing: Macks On Tap – MAC70350 TO:
- Charities Services: [email protected]
For ANY discrimination you or other people are facing: IMMEDIATELY report this to the Human Rights Commissioner (with proof you have raised concerns directly to the “discriminators” without resolution)
If you identify as having any disability or condition that makes you more vulnerable and likely, targeted for that (Applicable also if having “Macks on Tap” delayed for registration is preventing you accessing support you need) contact
3. Disability commissioner:
MACKS ON TAP: Our Vision
The Trust is committed, in attaining its purposes, to:
respecting and implementing the dual heritage of the partners of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi);
Respecting the cultural diversity of people and encourage people from all nationalities to utilize the Trust’s facilities and services;
Inspiring people to reach their full potential;
Working cooperatively with others in the youth development, minorities of disadvantaged including, homeless, disabled, discriminated against, isolated, police victimized, court abused, domestic violence abused, drug and alcohol abused, gang related, state care failed, victims of all walks of life and backgrounds; and
Maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
Macks On Tap is committed to advocating for and investing in the community and safety of all people before all courts and tribunals in Aotearoa
We aim to create a bridge between Maori culture, values and principals to re-humanise the court space to honour the mana, tikanga and spirit of each person and their ancestors for a fairer and more human “judicial process.”
We are committed to facilitating and supporting Maori leaders or Kaumatua and Kuia to serve as moral guardians- as peace keepers [ofTe Kaihono ki te Rangimarie: One who works towards Peace] for the courts and a source of safety and protection for all who stand before the courts for judgement for emotional and moral support with:
i) Nga Tupuna [Path of ancestors]
ii) Balance of Tapu and Noa [what is sacred and not to be
touched v common concepts to be explored.]
iii) Comfort, reassurance, Guidance, Protection and a court
reminder- they are there to uphold law and honour for all
before them.
We are founded in Honour of Whalea, Michelle Kidd, and the work she did at Auckland District court for 31 years- to embody the ethos of this need for the community, we quote Judge Taumaunu:
“It hasn’t always been the aroha that comes from the soft words… sometimes it comes with the firm.”
i) We pay tribute to Michelle kids work, acknowledging repeat offenders are “a failure of the people who run this country.”as we strive to correct these failures of society and individuals.
ii) We reiterate her sentiment regarding “offenders”: “They are there to face the music in public, and we put our love around them,” she then turned to the judges and senior ministry staff and told them bluntly that the court must remain open when she is gone.”
We are focused on giving back to those who guide the judicial for the betterment of the community and ensure the vulnerable and underprivileged will continue to have access to support and assistance at a time that is crucial in enabling rebuilding of lives and families.
“Macks On Tap” relies on donations, grants and public support to enable the Trust to provide this vital service.
We are committed to sourcing leaders as Guardians of the court are there to allow people to provide Ka Oroha Hoki [sympathy/ regret], Whanaungatanga [Mutual respect and reciprocity.] and Ahuru Mowai [a calm space and a shelter for those in turmoil to find peace and resolve.]
“Macks On Tap” – Is committed to embodying
a) Maori Principals of:
i) Wairua (spiritual)
ii) Hinegaro (Psychological)
iii) Tinana (Physical)
iv) Whanua (Extended Family)
b) Maori Values of:
i) Whakaiti (Leadership)
ii) Kotaurourou e manaakitanga (Altruism/ kindness and respect)
iii) Whnaungatanga (Others/ the community)
iv) Tari ate wa/ Kailiakitanga (Guardianship)
v) Tikanga Maori (Cultural authenticity and Long-term thinking.)
The purpose of the Trust will be to provide support and safety for those most vulnerable before any judicial panel or tribunal and to serve as a Guardian or gatekeeper for the mana, wairua and moral compass for the judiciary for the communities best interests and to re- affirm a mutual respect between judgement makers and those who are before them. In particular the Trust will:
Operate a connectivity service bridging Maori leaders with the courts;
Provide access to resources for counselling and self care help to reconnect with the spirit and mana of the people and their best interests for peace and optimal health; and
Provide other support and assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.
The activities of the Trust will be limited to Aotearoa/New Zealand. TARI/OFFICE
The office of the Trust will be in such place in New Zealand as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine.
The Board will comprise of no less than two (2) Trustees and no more than ten (10) Trustees.
The signatories to this Deed will be the first Board. The Trustees will elect from among themselves a Chairperson. A Secretary and Treasurer will also be appointed from among themselves or from non-trust members. An election of office-bearers will be held at the first meeting of the Board following the execution of this Deed and whenever a vacancy occurs. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.
A person will immediately cease to be Trustee when she or he resigns in writing, dies, is declared bankrupt or is otherwise found to be unqualified in terms of section 16 of the Charities Act 2005 or subsequent enactment.
The Board will have the power to fill any vacancy that arises in the Board or to appoint any additional trustees.
The Board may continue to act notwithstanding any vacancy, but if their number is reduced below minimum number of trustees as stated in this deed, the continuing trustee/s may act for the purpose of increasing the number of trustees to that minimum but for no other purpose.
The Board may, by a motion decided by a two-thirds (2/3rd) majority of votes,
terminate a person’s position as a Trustee and member of the Board, if it believes that such action is in the best interests of the Trust.
The name of the Board will be “Macks On Tap.”
Mariano Riera
Analyst | Kaitātari